Dailies: Taking an hour each day to prototype and learn new techniques.
Exploring particle creation in Unreal using a collection of tutorials from Unreal
My next daily will bring me back into Unreal Engine. First time round I really enjoyed Cascade, Unreal particle creation tool. Now I’m going to jump back in and take it to the next level.

Exploring the preloaded particle effects provided by Unreal Engine. Some very powerful foundations that I could build on
Daily 18.02.15 /// 68 // preload lights / #UnrealEngine #UE4

Officially it’s called AnimTrail… unofficially it’s called Super Awesome Camp Wings but you can tell him that!
Daily 18.02.13 /// 67 // animtrail / #UnrealEngine #UE4

Cascade particle exploration today… Ribbon. Powerful trick to get that trail smokey effect.
Daily 18.02.13 /// 66 // ribbon / #UnrealEngine #UE4

Next up in my daily exploration of particle systems in Unreal, a beam. Pretty simple to set up to get that electric look & feel. Need to dive back in and see what else I can do with it.
Daily 18.02.12 /// 65 // beam / #UnrealEngine #UE4

Gonna try and knock out 2 dailies to play catch up. First particle exploration in cascade is a mesh emitter. Could be powerful. Need to learn how to make the mesh more dynamic
Daily 18.02.12 /// 64 // mesh emitter / #UnrealEngine #UE4

Always fun with particles to jump off CPU and see what you can do with your GPU. Turns out, a lot more. Includes a vector field to navigate the particles around an empty space
Daily 18.02.08 /// 63 // GPU sprite / #UnrealEngine #UE4

Tonight’s daily particle exploration in cascade, a sprite emitter made to look a little like sparks.
Daily 18.02.07 /// 62 // sprite particles / #UnrealEngine #UE4