Dailies: Taking an hour each day to prototype and learn new techniques.
Design a more stylised PBR texture for a game prop using Substance Painter and showcase it in Unreal Engine

Damn I could get lost in Substance Painter. Here’s an attempt to paint a stylized game sword. All finished now
Daily 18.03.21 /// 77 // sword / #SubstancePainter

Next up in my Substance Painter 1 hr daily, texturing a sword handle. Using a cotton base and then paint in some wear and tear.
Daily 18.03.14 /// 76 // handle / #SubstancePainter

Excited. Back into @Allegorithmic for my next batch of 1 hour dailies. Focusing on a more stylised paint job. Starting off with getting in the model, the maps and laying down some base colouring
Daily 18.03.13 /// 75 // game weapon base / #SubstancePainter